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How A Normal Day in My Life in Thailand Looks Like

Published: at 02:00 PM (5 min read)

How A Normal Day in My Life in Thailand Looks Like

Thailand is a country most people know for its beautiful beaches, delicious food, good weather, and friendly people. It’s the ideal place for a vacation. But what is it like to live there? In this article, I want to share with you how a normal day in Thailand looks for me. I will describe a normal weekday (Monday-Friday). If you are interested in how I spend my weekends and what I do, feel free to message me on Instagram, Threads, or LinkedIn (the links are at the bottom of the page), so I know you are interested. Now, let’s dive into my daily routine.

How I Start My Day

My day usually starts at 06:30. I wake up, brush my teeth, and eat a yogurt before I go to the gym. I started working out two months ago, and my current schedule is to go to the gym five times a week. I usually spend around 45 minutes to an hour there. Luckily, I have a gym in my condo building, so I don’t have to go far. The gym is not that big and doesn’t have a lot of equipment, but it’s enough for me to dig into the world of fitness. I usually do some weight lifting and stretching exercises.

After the gym, I take a shower and get ready for work. I leave my condo at around 08:30 and drive to the office on my scooter. The office is around 10 minutes away from my condo, so it’s a very short ride. At the office, I usually start with ordering a green tea or banana shake from the office barista. I then check my to-dos and tasks for the day and start working at around 09:00.

My Workday

I work as a full-stack developer for a software company in Chiang Mai. I just recently started this job at the beginning of the year, and it is my first experience working in Thailand as well as working as a full-stack developer. I am still learning a lot every day, and I am very happy with my job. I work primarily on internal projects that are related to AI technology since the company I work for wants to prepare for the future. I don’t have many meetings during the day, and I can focus on my work most of the time.

For lunch, I either go to a small street food restaurant in the area near the office, order food, or drive home to have lunch with my wife. Lunch break is around one hour, and if I have some spare time after eating, I read a book or some articles on the internet.

After lunch, it’s time for the second visit to the office barista. I usually order a Thai tea with milk there. I then continue to work until around 18:00.

My Evening

After work, I drive home and pick up my wife. We usually go to the market or a small cheap restaurant to have dinner. During the meal, we talk about our day and what we want to do in the evening. Sometimes we watch a series together or go for a walk in the neighborhood and feed some stray dogs. However, most days I want to work on my side projects. Currently, I am learning Express.js, and after building a few small projects, I want to start learning Golang. Usually, I prepare for bed at around 22:00 and try to read a book before I go to sleep. I usually fall asleep around 23:00.

How Is That Different From Life in Germany?

I am originally from Germany and lived there for nearly 28 years. I moved to Thailand in 2022. Many people ask me how different life in Thailand is compared to Germany. My answer is: it depends. Of course, the culture is different, the food is different, the weather is different, the people are different. When you focus on this, then I can tell you that life in Thailand is very different. You have to adapt to a new society and new rules. You have to adapt to new behavior and learn a lot of new things.

But if you compare the daily routine and day-to-day life, then I would say that it’s not different at all. I still wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, do some housework, work on side projects, and go to bed. Okay, I use the scooter to drive to work instead of the car, I eat noodles and rice instead of bread and potatoes, and I wear a t-shirt instead of a jacket. But aside from that, it is the same. You have to work, you have to eat, you have to sleep. It’s the same everywhere in the world. You carry the same problems and the same happiness with you, no matter where you live.


I hope you enjoyed reading about how a normal day in my life in Thailand looks. As you can see, it’s not that different compared to life in Germany. I think that’s just how life works. You can’t escape the daily routine and tasks. The everyday struggles are the same everywhere. But that’s okay. That is life. It’s about being happy with all the circumstances you have and making the best out of it. And happiness doesn’t depend on where you live. It always starts with you. So be happy and enjoy your life, no matter where you are.