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The Future Of This Blog

Published: at 02:00 PM (3 min read)

The Future Of This Blog

We have to talk. In the last couple of weeks, I thought a lot about this blog and what to do with it. I like writing, and I think it’s a good habit. But I am not quite satisfied with the way I handle this blog now. Why I feel like that and what I want to do in the future is the topic of this blog article.

Too Many Interests

After graduating from university, I searched for new hobbies and was interested in a lot of stuff. I also like to learn new things, which makes it easy to always explore a new topic. But my day just has 24 hours, and I can’t do everything I want to every day. Not even in the span of a week do I think I could manage to find a satisfying amount of time to explore every area that I am interested in. I always tried to handle everything and make plans on when to do what, but at the end of the day, I was left feeling like I didn’t manage to do enough. At least not to a satisfying degree. So I got frustrated quite fast.

These situations occur from time to time where I feel overwhelmed, and nothing feels fun anymore. Right now, I feel I am steering in this direction again, and I want to change something. Right now, I am doing a lot of things simultaneously. Writing this blog, making a YouTube video in German about the same topic I write about in this blog, creating videos on mechanical keyboards, learning Thai, learning Golang, and working on my personal project. I think this is a little bit too much to handle, especially with all the different topics in these hobbies. That is why I made a decision to free up my mind and time a little bit.

Combining Things

Until now, this blog was about random stuff that came to my mind and I thought might be interesting to write about. My life in Thailand, my personal goals, and so on. But in the last weeks, it was getting harder and harder to come up with something to write because I had so many things crossing my mind that were more technical or related to coding.

I think writing about things just because I want to have a blog is not really a good idea. I asked myself the question, “What do you want to write about?” To be honest, I am not 100% sure yet what exactly the topic should be, but at the moment, I like the idea of writing more about coding. Coding is what occupies my mind 80-90 percent of the day. I write tons of notes about coding that I would like to publish, so the logical conclusion I came to is that I should use this blog to write about coding. This way, I can combine my learning and job with the writing and can deepen my knowledge by writing about some stuff that I just learned.

What Now?

For the near future, I want to write about my journey of learning Golang as well as some topics that I do at work. There, I mainly work in the AI-Lab - a department that is focused on making use of AI and learning how to implement it into general workflows. I hope you will stick with me on this journey.

See you next week!